Seven Days to a Better Marriage (intro)

A marriage is a wonderful, powerful, and beautiful relationship!  Strangely enough, it is also a rather fragile one.  It seems that the attack on the institution of marriage is greater than it has ever been.  Hollywood makes millions by ridiculing marriages and glorifying everything from pre-marital sexual relations to divorce to adultery.  The gay agenda…

Thanksgiving Recollections 2019

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite times of the year, primarily because it means that Christmas, my favorite time of the year, is very near. We normally spend Thanksgiving at our home in Florida and finish the week by decorating our home for the Christmas season. This year was different because we spent it in…

Steps Toward Overcoming a Family Mess

Steps Toward Overcoming a Family Mess by Dave Young, Evangelist One of the major factors in our generation is that many families are a mess!  Many homes are broken and the results are enormous – bitterness, anger, and resentment between former spouses and almost every negative emotion under the sun among the children.  Some families…