A Word about Millennials

I preach for a lot of pastors these days who are millennials.  I also travel full-time with Evangelist Micah Self and he is one too.  I have to say, I love these young millennials and the ministries they have.  Here are four reasons why:

  1. They love and are loyal to Bible preaching, the kind where you read the text and explain the text and accurately apply the text to the congregation.  Just this weekend,  I was with Pastor Jason Wampler and the congregation of Victory Baptist Church in Scotia, NY.  Victory is a small and growing Baptist church and the people came to hear me speak 11 times in three days! Micah spoke 8 times as well!  They gladly received the Word when I used power point and they gladly received it when I didn’t.  They listened eagerly and responded the same way.  And the church is alive and growing.  God bless every one of you young men who love and are loyal to Bible preaching. I am for you!
  2. They want worship that is meaningful.  Rather than place an emphasis on a particular style, they are more apt to choose and sing songs because they have doctrinal substance that praises God and ministers to hearts and points souls to Christ all at the same time. This weekend we sang Just As I Am combined with the chorus of I Come Broken and Amazing Grace combined with My Chains are Gone. We sang psalms and hymns and spiritual songs and the congregation sang fervently and joyfully.  It was wonderful!  God bless all of you millennials as you seek to genuinely worship God through your music.
  3. They long to win souls and are making major efforts to do so.  They will talk with people before services and after services. They will do service projects and door-to-door visitation.  They will meet you at a coffee shop.  They will pray with you for your yet-to-be-saved friends and family members.  They will start van ministries and addictions ministries in an effort to see people born-again.  They are burdened that our generation is so desperately needing Christ. God bless all of you millennials as you seek to wins souls.  You keep it up!
  4. They often place a great emphasis on prayer.  My own pastor, a millennial himself, often dedicates the larger portion of our Wednesday evening service to fervent prayer. This past weekend,  Pastor Wampler invited the entire congregation to spend time in prayer during the Sunday morning service and a large portion of us knelt throughout the congregation to share our hearts and needs with our Heavenly Father.  One of the widow ladies made an altar at the front. Several families knelt together.  Teens prayed as did children.  It was wonderful and reminded me that Jesus said, “My house shall be called a house of prayer!”  God bless you millennials for the desire you have to make prayer a meaningful and fervent and powerful part of your churches and of your worship services.  Keep it up!

Can you see why I love these young millennial pastors and preachers and church leaders?  I am so privileged that I get to minister with them and for them and to them. I am thankful that God is still working in His church and is raising up another generation of Godly leaders for the cause of revival and soul-winning and discipleship!

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